Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grandmother, RestInPeace! :(

Granny, Be happy up there. Don't worry bout us. I will study hard de k? :) We will also takecare of grandpa de. Don't worry! Enjoy your life there without any pains. Rather than seeing you suffering right my dear? Sleep in peace hao ma?
I regretted! Regretted not going to hospital visit her regularly! Ohwell, Stupid me! Everything is too late. I can't turn back the time & to salvage. I miss her cooking, She'd been not cooking fr like 1month plus alrdy. I miss her :'( I miss her laughters &Smiles.
Daddy call at night to ask us rush down to hospital, Cos granny was breatheless. Brother was still happily using comp, Me? Just fuck myself around @ home. Another call by daddy.. She has moved on. I srsly only know how to cry like a cry baby! Nothing I can do but to hope that the taxi driver could quickly fly to SGH. Saw granny lying there soulessly:'( Me, Said nothing but to cry. Fuck myself uh. Heard from the adults saying that she wantted to go home &not to the heaven. She kept crying too. Sigh.
Going school tmrw, But leaving school early. Monday not going school. Hope I will get over it faster. Stay strong me. I'm on vegetarian fr 5days too :')!