Friday, June 25, 2010

If it's meant to be yours, I will always be. The photo above was edited by my silly gan-romeo. Don't you find this two photos identical? (Y) Sounds weird, but never mind. Chat with him on msn while watching soccer last few nights. He's at China, hope he could come back Singapore. &I'm sure this will happen :)
My life had gone upside down already, have been having night life these few days. Thanks to soccer match. Pathetic, I'm been addicted to watching soccer. What;s so nice right?
Wishing that I can turn it back only. Sigh, Daddy caught me puffing outside, and scolded me like the world's falling down can?
Emmanuel, turn me back into a goodgirl when school reopen could you? I guess I should think about my future now. I don't want to be late for school when school reopen anymore, k bai.
P.S/ It's been long since I updated my links, Shall update when I'm free only :B Going to shower now.