Kaabooom! I'm back to update this dead blog of mine. Saw me with my primary school uniform? I was helping out for the gala dinner in my primary school and needed to act a skip. I miss wearing this uniform thou, haha. Basically, I've been going out till late at night. :-( No discipline! But, today I am early. Laughs, was suppose to go town today.
In the end slacking around like no life people. Ok, enough time for friends alr. Time will be spent on my sweet lil boyf, family &studies! (L)(L) I'm out of singapore from 24nov-29nov. &I am going to miss Honghong badly. Don't think so that I'm buying anything from overseas, cos there'll be nothing to buy :/
Shall stop here nao. Hopefully I won't be lazy to update my blog before going overseas luh. Ciao :-)