No point continuing a relationship when there's no trust isn't it?
This is the 2nd day of school only! And I've been quarreling alot with yap. But I'm a strong girl, I won't fall so easily. I will just take in all the faults &blames. I'm sick and tired of it already! But just to tell yap, whatever you tell your friends, tell them the full story. One of your friend came and confront me just only! Whatever you do, I also get scoldings surrounding. So please think before you do ok :)
I really got nothing to say le, next time you choose girl, choose properly ok. Whatever happens, really must take care of yourself la. Your anger, manage a bit la! I got no rights to control you also. Last of all, find a better girl. Would fits you bettter hao ma? :) Lastly, Iloveyou always.
Send yap back and caught in the rain. Blister on my leg too! Giddy somemore :'( Now like got fever. But nvmd, its worth all those things I did. Cos just simply love yap..