Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We are never ever ever getting back together.

If you have a thousand thoughts in your mind, let it speak through a hundred actions.

Hi! In case you think that I'm dead, I'm not! Sorry for not updating my blog again. I totally forget that I've a blog exist still. Hah! Okay, my results are out. It's what I've expected, I regretted. But it's not the end of my life, life still goes on isn't it? Anyway, I've got my second piercing and my helix pierced. I'm proud of it, hahahaha! I've been busy working these few days. Night life as I've been sleeping in the morning and wake up in the evening. Spending money on movies is what I do now, so many movies I'm craving to watch. Haha, thanks BestFriend. I hope you know who you are! :-) Always being there for me when I'm down! Alright, short post. Imma going gym and movie later on! Byeee~