Was supposed to meet Darling fr breakfast @Mac, But.. I wokeup nearly to 1pm. :'( Slept late yesterday, Using computer &Chatting with boy online. Washed up &Waited fr her below her house. Walked to YewTeeSquare to have my lunchee. Ate 2Plates of FriedRice, Pro rightcxz? I know, Laughs. Bought PepperMintmilktea nd walked around YewTee. N-O-L-I-F-E! Understand? Seriously no life uh-.-! Darl came to my house, Used lappy. All stuff bout blogs uh. I feel so noob lah can? Didn't know making one cup of coffee is so difficult. I know darl must be laughing naocxz, Geez. Sent her home @5;10 &Trained down to OutramPark with Brother to hospital >Visit grandma. Homed @ 10pm &Chiong my tuition homeworks :)
Look at the watch in the picture upstairs, I make spoil it yesterday! :( Miss my watch so much, I want it back now :( For it to come back, I know it's near impossible. I rather be alone than not be with it, you know? :'( It is always reminding me to SMILE when I'm upsad :(
Cant just get over it that my watch just spoilt, sian! :/ I want buy back my watch, who want accompany me go and buy back? Even my watch dont want me now..
Cant just get over it that my watch just spoilt, sian! :/ I want buy back my watch, who want accompany me go and buy back? Even my watch dont want me now..
A women who always drive me to town &Shop around, Taking care of me when I'm young. Making milk fr me when I cry. Partially blind, &Still cooking fr us every week to call us back to eat. Always having a wide smile with her wherever she goes. Doing whatever she can fr us.. Now lying in the hospital, Can't even recognize me :( Talking to herself, Seeing illusion. Her eyes are always teary but still smiling always :'( Fighting fr herself, Me? Staring @ her suffering in pain, Can't even help a single fuck shit! Yes, Grandma. I know you'll be strong. Stay strong please. Everythings gonna be alright k! Everyone's supporting you, Don't give up. Seeing you suffering makes my heart pain :'( Please.. Begging real hard.. Stay strong :'(! I still want you to cook fr me de :(:(:(:(:(:(! Just look @ her smile, Ain't she cute? Sigh.. {insertheart}
Thanks Darling, Boy &Alvin always staying by my side :')