Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back to posting again. Hah, Didn't catch a movie with darling as we're having shortage of $$. Nebermind! @ Least we spent time together k!(: Laughs, Kkay. I shall peep @ Darling's blog again, Stm uh. Y'know y'know ;DD
Was supposed to meet Darling fr breakfast @Mac, But.. I wokeup nearly to 1pm. :'( Slept late yesterday, Using computer &Chatting with boy online. Washed up &Waited fr her below her house. Walked to YewTeeSquare to have my lunchee. Ate 2Plates of FriedRice, Pro rightcxz? I know, Laughs. Bought PepperMintmilktea nd walked around YewTee. N-O-L-I-F-E! Understand? Seriously no life uh-.-! Darl came to my house, Used lappy. All stuff bout blogs uh. I feel so noob lah can? Didn't know making one cup of coffee is so difficult. I know darl must be laughing naocxz, Geez. Sent her home @5;10 &Trained down to OutramPark with Brother to hospital >Visit grandma. Homed @ 10pm &Chiong my tuition homeworks :)

Look at the watch in the picture upstairs, I make spoil it yesterday! :( Miss my watch so much, I want it back now :( For it to come back, I know it's near impossible. I rather be alone than not be with it, you know? :'( It is always reminding me to SMILE when I'm upsad :(
Cant just get over it that my watch just spoilt, sian! :/ I want buy back my watch, who want accompany me go and buy back? Even my watch dont want me now..

A women who always drive me to town &Shop around, Taking care of me when I'm young. Making milk fr me when I cry. Partially blind, &Still cooking fr us every week to call us back to eat. Always having a wide smile with her wherever she goes. Doing whatever she can fr us.. Now lying in the hospital, Can't even recognize me :( Talking to herself, Seeing illusion. Her eyes are always teary but still smiling always :'( Fighting fr herself, Me? Staring @ her suffering in pain, Can't even help a single fuck shit! Yes, Grandma. I know you'll be strong. Stay strong please. Everythings gonna be alright k! Everyone's supporting you, Don't give up. Seeing you suffering makes my heart pain :'( Please.. Begging real hard.. Stay strong :'(! I still want you to cook fr me de :(:(:(:(:(:(! Just look @ her smile, Ain't she cute? Sigh.. {insertheart}
Thanks Darling, Boy &Alvin always staying by my side :')