Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back to blogging again :) Yep, I'm going to Malacca on 19th March &Will be back on 20th March people. Hah! Thanks fr those who tagged on my blog, Much loves to you guys k ;D [inserthearts] Waitwait, I go Darling blog see first ah! I abit stm leh >< I'm taking hours to blog & Idon'tcare~ Laughs,
Yesterday, Happy1stMonth, Boy. Had tuition > Homed. Got ready &Meet Darling below her block busstop. Bused to Lot1, She had her Bianmian that she longed fr. And I had my FriedRice, Laughs! Then shopped >Library. Waited fr Boy &Alvin. Me myself there highhigh, Darling was moodswinging. Diaos, Accompanied Alvin to have his lunch &Went up to Arcade race with Alvin &Boy.. Lols, Very de xiasuey-.- Keep losing de lorcxz wo, Nebermind.
Down to Mac to have corns &fries. Slacked there and bused back to YewTee. Slacked below Darling house the playground. She went home first &Left with Alvin &Boy &Me. Limbang > Slacked > Sent Boy t busstop > Talked awhile with Eldrin-.-" > Sent Alvin t Mrt Station > Homed :)
Today, Wokeup in the afternoon > Cut hair &Homed. Shall do homework after blogging, Ciao! I won't be going out today. 1yr3rd month with Darling tmrw, &I think we're going to watch movie :D Buaibacxz!