No mood, Get a life fr me. Heartbreak, Crying. Back to post, I'm lazy to upload any pictures &' to say that my pictures are all with ChuYun. Got to take from her yeah. Today's a suay day, Everything didn't went well fr me today ;'( I only can say that I didn't slip out my tongue, You guys want to think that I'm the one who sabo-ed. Cont ba, I won't talk much :-). Went to serve detention just now, And having PTC tomorrow. Don't know what's teacher is going to complain to parents and I can't be bothered anymore. Can't be bothered of everything, ;( After detention waited fr Suhailah with Alvin &co. Something happen which makes me fucking sad, Real sad. Heart's bleeding :( Sent Suhailah to lrt &Cont slacking with them. Called ShaoYi to come down slack. Steady one sey him! Lol, Then parents keep calling me to go home..
*Which is @ the wrong timing* Bused home with them @9;30pm I think. Homed > Showered > Comp. I won't be sleeping today, No mood. I may appear happy today with you guys, But my heart's bleeding, crying. Breaking down again.. :'( I don't wantto stay @ home..
Tell me that it's not over, Tell me that you'll return. 4more days.. &' Now it's over, Don't you know how much my heart hurts when you send me that msg? ;( Turn back to me will you? Sigh, I'm waiting for your text till now &None is happening, Sometimes. I really feel like smashing my phone &Everything..