Friday, March 12, 2010

1st 4 peektures are taken with sayang :) Yep, Yesterday peektures @ Music room. B'cause the Pilot was having his talk, and we're super de cold. Went to the back to sit with teacher. &'Cam-whored with sayang's phone, Cos my phone's ain't with me-.-
Last peekture is.. E-M-M-A-N-U-E-L P-H-U-A! Stole from his facebook hor, Huhu! Thanks to him lorcxz, Every time bully me one! BUT, He's always teaching me both sciences when I don't know those questions. Thankyou;) I know he must be feeling honoured &happy fr me stealing this *act cute* picture, Still got one more one! Laughs, Opps.. Let me start with proper post naocxz.
Sadly to say, I'm back posting again. Laughs, Things are getting better I guess. &&' Now I'm still thinking if I should I fr the Chalet, FuXiang jio-ed de. Cos if I'm going, There's no one I know there, and it'll be like no tmrw lorcxz. Laughs, W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R~ Today's Ask&Learn day. Wokeup @8++am I think, Mummy's such nagging *.* I didn't do English only. Lols, Chatted with Emannuel on phone, He helped me with my Physics! Thanks again niaos ;') Thenthen comped the wholeday. I didn't attend PTC, Parents went only. Who ask them to 'act smart' Let them be lorcxz, Can't really care much. Wonder what's teacher gonna say-.- Was supposedly to wait fr Suhailah &Slacked with Alvin they all @Panjang. But vvv de lazy to prepare uh, Sorry tau. End of blogging leh (?) Buaibaicxz,
[edited 2x]
Teacher complained that I'm always sleeping &Why did I fail my English &Chinese. Don't ask me, Ask my brains. They don't wantto tell me the answer. How am I suppose to tell you? Went down to meet Alvin &Luqman. Slacked @ Limbang > F.M. &; Off to Panjang to wait fr Darling. Walked to plaza to buy 1pink & 1white PoloTee fr 15Bucks @ HangTen. Trained to Lot1 and only left Alvin with me. Shopped fr Izza BirthdayPresent. Gng fr her birthday party tmrw &Will be meeting Alvin @4pm ++. Going home late I think, But I'll still blog tau ;) Hope everything's going smoothly tmrw. Now tiring :'( BYE!