It's a new blog :) &&' Iloveit! [InsertHearts] Laughs, You may think that I'm crazy can? Got 3Blogs in total -.-! Butbut, Nvmd one. This blog will still be my main blog heh! I'll update it regularly still. :)
Yeah, Its been long since I updated &&' Sadly to say that, I'm going MIA, Laughs. These few days were hetic life uh.. Whatever it is, Hope everyone's doing well lahs :D Eheh, Yep! Got back my lappy, &&' I'm like.. Super happy? ^^ But now it's difficult to blog, Not used to it :'(
Yesterday wentto school as usual, Can say that BeyondClassroomWeek is boring~ Had flu, Which cause me to have no tomorrow like that lorcxz, Ha-ha. Face seriously like ghost, Diaos.. Went homed w/ Faye. Then meet boy@ Lot1. Walked to my house, Changed. &' Out to meet Willy &co. Predicted what's going to happen lah. But nvmd :') I don't really care anymre, Then slacked with Adeline. Walked around YewTee w/ boy. Cos srsly boring~ Like no life like that. Lol, Homed @ 11;30pm.
Today, No life no life no life no life. Didn't wantto go school from th start. School was okay, Tired is all I can describe. Something made me embarrassed but wtv! Lol, Went home &Slept straight away. Woke up by one call, Which makes me freaking fedup-.-! Comp the rest of the day I think :')
Finally got back my RibbonHairClip! Going Changi beach tmwr :'( I hate it uh.. Sigh, But got CIP hours-.- Blogged PrivateBlog &Tumblr alrdy. Now boring~~ Laughs, Baibuaicxz peepos! ;)
To people out there alrights, I've been hiding words into my heart nd not saying out until that call. You have no rights to comment on others. I leave you guys &Changed. It's b'cause of just one reason.. Y'all guys take knife stab each others back. I hope you know what I mean. But the truth is, It depends on how I feel about that very attitude of yours. &&' Don't think y'all looks good too. Think before you speak, Don't talk like free flow water :) Need boyf that is zai nd useful meh? Please, Its time. Yeah, I've left you guys &Not turning back. If don't like each other, There's no point slacking. Cos you won't be truly happy, nd causing more problem to yourself only, I'm not so dumb. Slack with people that you like, &Not people you don't like :] The truth is I can't bare to leave, Cos memories are built, &&' I'm happy before. But time is always needed to pull out to be with you guys. So yeah, I'll keep the memories deep in my heart, &Let go ^.^
True friends never leave when you needed help, True friends comfort you when you're sad. True friends will help you when you're in needed of help. True friends will always stop you from bad things &Encourage you in good things :') Thanks to people I always hangout in school, I srsly (L)(L) you guys. &' I've learnt to grow up! And have a life of my own. Laughs, Geez.