Pictures up again, Laughs. Cos of the change of phone, I'm taking lesser pictures alrights. They are my friends :-) Friends that will never leave me when I needed someone. Friends that will help me when I needed help. Friends that will teach me good things &Stop me from doing the wrong things. Friends that I can feel comfortable pouring out my feelings :') Things ain't going as I wanted, Sigh. But that's life, Can't change alrights :) Schooling is okay I think.. Uhmms, Maths did I sleep? Geography teacher ain't here, Skipped Chinese lesson. Somehow so called, Lols. Help people also get scolding-.- Next time not helping leh! Let them get scolded lorcxz, Not my problem anyway. Lol, Thenthen, PhysicsLab &Trained home with Navin &Rogan. Laughs, Slacked awhile &Homed :-) GoodGirl k! Gonna meet Melvin &co. one day perhaps ^.^ Somehow, I miss those days being with them? Lol.. Buaibaivxzc, Blogging private blog soon :')
I miss those days spending times with you. Is this what I really want from you now? I don't know, I hate to continue this way. Sigh, All I can now is to see what you going to do &' Me waiting only :) 3weeks again? Sigh,