Friday, April 9, 2010

Look @ their seriousness playing chess. Laughs!

I'm back again ^^v. Head hurts fr these few days &Idk why too :( Yep, Skipped tuition ytd lorcxz :( Tmrw still got tuition. Stress lar! Hah, Anyway. Let me talk bout today, Had a great day neh! Gee,
Morning, Ran to school with KaiWen, Veryvery dulan already k! Luckily I was not late. I hate detention, This time is really serving fr 2hrs. Can seat down there &Rot! &' I'm not gonna get any pink forms fr nothing alrights.
Teacher changed Emmanuel's seat, Very sad bout it lar! :'( Tears kept dropping during Physics time, Will tell you later why oke? :')
After school wentto JunJie's Condo de ClubHouse with Emmanuel, JunJie &JunQing. Very irritated by JunQing. Supposed to study there, Got disrupted by JunQing! That porn star :B. After studying, They went suana &Leaving me alone ;) Emolicious lor me! ++ Raining heavily. All thanks to Eman's umbrella. Thou it's spoiled. Hah!
Went to Plaza with JunQing &Eman. Shopped > Slacked > Had fun > &They waited fr my parents to come pick me up. *Thanks* Ate > Car wash > YewTeePoint > Homed :] Off to private blog leh :)

He's the one, Waking me up during classes when I fell asleep. Knowing wentto be serious when suppose to. Will ask me to shut my mouth when I'm too noisy. Thought me things which I don't know. Scold me when I'm supposed to be scolded, If it's not fr him. I'd failed my both sciences. Now without him seating beside me.. I'm gonna try to be independent leh ba :( Sigh, Like heartbreak lo! Someone impt in my life just flew away just like that. Hope we'll be still as close like today. one thing is that, He must always think b4 he talk! Everytime never go thru his brain onle :P (L), Getting back sitting together is never easy.