TERRY's BIGBUTT! Everyone was laughing can :D

Back to blogging :> Hah, I apologise fr not blogging, Went missing in action, But the real reason is that I'm lazy to blog :C I've been Plurking &Tumblring if you did follow ^^v. I'll try to blog if possible, Mark my words :).
Being late 3-4times since school's reopen. &' I srsly fuck hate being late. I don't want to get pink slips anymore :'( Weeeuweet, Doesn't suits me rightvcxz? B'cause, I've learnt to grow up &Know which path I'm going to *Likereals* :P
Us waiting fr bus :>
ADRIAN TENG whatever! GuaiLanKia!
I scribbled my face cos it looks to cui can! :< Adrian must be honoured that his peektures up there right! No need to thank me! I took it from Terry's phone! Hah. Today, Luckily I wasn't late with KaiWen. Ha ha! Lesson was fun, I didn't sleep @ all. Teacher made me xiasuay during Physics lesson k! Thanks to Emmanuel, He saved me kk! *Eman asked to blog bout him one O:* Yep!
After school, Went to Plaza with Emmanuel. &' Waited fr others to come. Took 963 to Woodlands > Bought tickets > Clash Of The Titans *Stupid show!* > Theatre. Seriously, I shouldn't have watch this movie.
I gonna wet my pants tonight! Laughs 8-) Thanks Emmanuel, My study partner hor! Movie ended > Trained back to YewTee > Bought bubble tea with KaiJun &' Wentto meet up with TingHao. Thenthen, Homed ^-^ Quarreled with family-.-! I swear I'm not studying @ home leh. Anyone wantto go out study? Call wo! Steady ah :B. Ciao,