Friday, May 28, 2010

Ciaosu!! ^^, Huhu. More peektures on next post. Lazy to upload :). I'm back uh. Life's getting better fr me. Ha ha, Yep. As for compass, It's a great camp I swear :P. And fr inter-school games @ AES, Girls captainball got 3rd. In inter-class game, Girls basketball came in 1st &captainball came in 3rd again. Laughs. I fell till very jialat during captainsball match. :(
I got back my results alrdy. Flunk like sh!t luhr, Will reveal it later oke. &&' Today someone took my worksheet away, Fcuk that person uh srsly k! -'-, Curse you sia. Jealous I score good marks isit? *Angrys* Uh, Rahcxz!
Anyway, School has ended today. Same, I didn't attend PTC. :) I will be working @ YewTee SUBWAY! Night shift uh! :( Sigh. But! Nvmd laaa :B Me leg very pain now, Wonder how am I going to wear jeans to work tmrw! Shag lahs. Should I stop blogging now? Hmm.. I hope I will earn enough money nor :D Gee, There's nothing else for me to blog alrdy uh. So.. Ciao :) Going work later. Laughs ^^!