Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hey! I'm back blogging. Oh well, Life's had been fine with me. For me, Everyday work! Ha ha! Very fun? Laughs. Anyway, I've decided not to reveal my results out. I srsly flunk la k! :( Shag uh, I'm sitting fr re-assessment on 21stJune & I've still not studied yet.
Everyday working as I said. Life's been upside down; I'm awake @ night & not morning. Ouhh.. (: I've nothing else t blog alrdy actually. Ehmms, Yep! I wantto go Sentosa, I wantto go play basketball laa!! Sighsigh. Stupid me ): Btw, My leg got one beautiful scar lor! \m/ Cheers fr me hor! ._.
&& People! Do add me on facebook! Can't believe that I'm facebooking right?! Hilarious! Laughs, NightClubCity!! (Y) ThumbsUp! :P Buaibaivzxc. Will blog more regularly la kk? (: Missmecxz.