Monday, June 7, 2010

As I promised! I will be updating my blog regularly alright. Today working from 8am - 12pm. For this 2weeks I guess. Sigh, Hope I'm able to get up. After work slack with friend. JiaHao came to my house to pick me. Then his daddy drive his siblings &me to his grandfather house to visit. I tagged along :P After that went to AngMoKio thr eateat.
Jitao very hungry lor! Sigh, After that wentto amk hub arcade. Play till I crazy leh :D > JiaHao's house > Slacked with friend & Homed. Gee,
I'm soso gonna change my blog song &blogskin soon :( Darn bored bout this blog liao laaa. Workworkwork! Rahs! Getting more bored le ): Hopefully I'm able to get up tmrw fr work. (: Gonna update my Private blog ^o^