If things would just turn back only me &you-
Pictures above was the past with JiaHao, we're still best friends for now. Almost everyday do meet up. Long for friends :) Got Najihah to help me scan this neoprint into the computer. Kinda miss the old me, but I know, I can't get back. Ha ha! I broke my words, saying I would go straight home after school. I know many predicted I can't do it. But nvmd, but at least try my best okay!
I've been studying these few days, or rather doing homework. &realised I knew nothing in the end._. I seriously hate schooling now, No matter what go in, it will always come out. Hmms, this shall be a short post. Kthxbai. Hope next week would be a better week :)
Happy 1month, thx fr the present you gave. I love it.