Monday, July 5, 2010

The reason why I walked away and not turning back it's because I felt a sudden pain &that pain is not an ordinary pain.. Words just can't express my feelings.. Its not bout you but its me. Sometimes you let me feel stupid, Why am I always believing in you? You say you won't leave me, I hope you fulfill your promise.

/I don't wanna break down in school, and I won't. I just wanna stay happy forever. Is that so difficult?
Went to catch Eclipse with sweety &boonkeat :) Nice show, but don't know why I feel sleepy. I've no mood for studying already. To me, there's no reason for me to continue studying. I just want holidays. Or should I start not going to school? Hmms.. When one day if you see me not around in school = not coming for loong periods.
There's chemistry test tmrw yet I've not studied yet, and I don't intend to. Cos I've no one to turn to when I don't understand the topics already. Therefore, there's no point for me to revise. Just wish me luck, I know nothing comes like free flow water. I've to work for it.
For this moment, I don't want to go school, I don't want to study. I don't want to have friends. I just want. School > Home > School > Home everyday. I just want to be a loner, somehow.. Shall end here, I know my post is lenghty &emo. I'll try to make my next post short &sweet depends on my mood/ Maybe not blogging anymore.
/PS; I;m going to go home myself everyday after school, I promise. Mark my words.