Sometimes I wish I could read your mind. But then, I wonder if I could handle the truth.
Someone else had caught your attention, you ignored me and lastly, replace me. I'm back to update my blog again :) Late for school as usual. My presentation screwed up, I didn't have time to prepare my script. However, comments from teacher was that my presentation was easy to understand and presented quite well? One thing that pulled me down was that I'm chewing CHEWYGUM. Regretted much, my group mate actually offered me a chewy gum and asked me to eat after my presentation and I didn't follow his advice. Skipped afternoon lesson as expected, and when to meet up with Jia Zheng and friends. I was tempted to go Woodlands with them thou. Headed to Junction10 for a job interview with friend, in the end, the supervisor wasn't there. Wasted my trip and headed home. Slept and woke up to meet up with Zhi Fai under my voideck. Chat and caught up with each other life. My pay isn't in yet! How how how? :(
Top 3 favorite song is playing on my blog now! (Y)