Saturday, March 13, 2010

1stPic: Ytd @Lot1 seeing stars. 2ndPic: A heartshape I drew, But cigg was not mine.

1stPic: HafizFIZZI-'-. 2ndPic: Helmi! :D

Taaadaaa! This person is called.. A-L-V-I-N! :D

Back from outside! Seriously, People do have limits. Don't cross the line alrights ;) I think this will be the last post? Cos I've been blogging fr almost everyday tau? Laughs, After tuition when home.. Tiffs with parents and now okay le, Cried thou :( Went out to meet Alvin, Slacked @ Limbang as it's raining like no tmrw. Ha-ha! Bought Izza present &Off to Lot1 to meet Helmi. Then trained down to Petir to meet Darling &Off to Izza house. Seriously fuck those people who prank call me just now alrights -'-, Get a life mancxz. I got Caller ID alrdy, &&; I'm ji happy yi xia de lor! :D Celebration was like okokay uh, fr me. Like normal slacking deh, Laughs. Out from her house @8pm. And left with Me, Alvin, Helmi &HafizFIZZI @ Plaza. Bought food from 7-11 &Slacked at PlazaMac. Something happened with HafizFIZZI-.-, Shall skip this part.. Then slacked awhile &Trained back with Helmi, Talked alot today, Throat pain :'( Homed @11;15pm. Trying to help you, Not finding trouble with you. Think in a positive way rather then negative way could you? Grow up please-.-
We're drifting &I don't know why too. Hope things will be the same alrights, 2more days. :')